Thursday, April 17, 2008

Save the Children

Tonianne P., Sheri R., and Gina S.

Save the Children is an organization that has been in existence since 1932. It has helped, and continues to help children in the U.S. and many other countries around the world. They help prevent poverty, lack of education, enable physical activity, and nutrition.

Why do you think this is an effective video?


Anonymous said...

I felt this PSA was string from the start to the finish. It showed how many children lack things that we take for granted everyday. It shows how lucky the children we know are. It shows life in different parts of the country and how they struggle everyday just to get by. I think this organization is an amazing idea and this PSA will help spread the word.

---John Calace

Anonymous said...

I liked this PSA a lot because the group synced the pictures well with what they were saying. It really lets the viewer understand the types of things we take for granted everyday, and how other people struggle to get them. Save the Children sounds like a great organization.

Anonymous said...

I really liked the repittion of the key facts. You talked about the main goals of the organization in the description and then supported them well in the actual video. The story about the girl in the begining was also a good move because it makes the video more personal. Good job. =]

Anonymous said...

I felt this PSA was extremely effective in that it enabled the viewer to be in the shoes of a child who is less fortunate and unable to take part in the activites most of us carry out everyday. This PSA shows the simple opportunities that we can enable a child to have by simply helping out. This PSA got me believeing that Save the Children is an incredible organization.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this PSA really showed how much children are struggling all throughout the world. It was a very effective PSA and definitly catches the attention of its viewers. It also proves that Save The Children is a great organization.

Anonymous said...

so many children are struggling and they need our help.They need as much money as they can get.It makes you think about yourself more and how other kids have nothing.

Anonymous said...

Thos PSA was really good it showes what these innocent children are in need for and how people can help the pictures were great and will touch peoples heart when they watch this.

Anonymous said...

This PSA was an eye-opener for me. We often forget how much we take for granted and how much others throughout the country suffer due to poverty. This PSA made me want to donate and helped me realize how important this organization is.

Anonymous said...

These pictures really show how so many kids need help and how good this organization is.

Anonymous said...

i like this video because it showed how life can be with a negative issue and that the sick kids are still living their life like normal healthy kids on the world

Anonymous said...

I feel your PSA is a very important issue, and you captured it very well. You can understand everything your organization does, and how they help save the children.

Anonymous said...

This PSA was great. The pictures went nicely with the voice-overs. I like how you showed many options for what people can do to help. The story was personal and touching. You guys did a great job bringing attention to your cause.